Journal Submission Guidelines (Eng)

MEESo Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Modern English Education Template

Legislation: March 1, 2000

First amendment: October 1, 2011

Second amendment: November 30, 2018

Third amendment: February 1, 2021

Fourth amendment: November 1, 2021

Fifth amendment: January 1, 2023



Article 1. Content of Manuscript

The manuscript to be submitted to Modern English Education, published by the Modern English Education Society (MEESo), may be an empirical study, a new proposal, or a critique of theories and/or practices in the field. Manuscripts dealing with topics in linguistics, English literature, or other related areas to English learning and teaching must include implications for English language learning and/or teaching.


Article 2. Submission of Manuscript

Paragraph 1. The manuscript is to be submitted through the MEESo online submission site. If contributors are members of MEESo, they should pay the annual membership fee and the cost of peer reviews. Non-members are first required to be registered and then to apply for membership, pay the member admission fee, annual membership fee, and the cost of peer reviews. After payment, they are to inform the MEESo Treasurer.

     Online submission site:

Inquiries regarding submission:

Notice of payment of membership fees and review fees:

Paragraph 2. We accept submissions on a rolling basis (no deadlines for submission), not using issue numbers. As manuscripts are accepted for publication, they will be immediately formatted by the editors and published online.

Paragraph 3. When submitting the manuscript online, the author(s) are to follow the steps of the submission system and complete a publication agreement and, manuscript information, upload a manuscript, provide author(s) information, and finalize the submission. The details of each step are as follows:


1) Publication agreement: The agreement is comprised of the Research Ethics Agreement and Copyright Transfer Agreement by all authors (first, co-, corresponding). 

(1) The author must read MEESo’s Research and Publication Ethics Standards and agree to comply with them. 

(2) All authors must confirm the following: 

① The submission is original and does not infringe upon any copyrights; 

② The author(s) are responsible for manuscript content; 

③ The submission has not been previously published in any form and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere; 

④ The author(s) do not have the right to contest copyright issues with the express permission of MEESo; 

⑤ Upon acceptance, the author(s) must agree to transfer all of the paper’s copyrights (reproduction, transfer, digital, etc.) to MEESo.

2) Submission information: The author(s) must provide the following information about the submission: title, abstract, keywords (Korean and/or English), field, whether the manuscript is a resubmission, part of a thesis or dissertation, research project report, conference presentation, and whether the research reported has received funding.

3) Manuscript upload: The author(s) must upload the “original file containing author information” and the “file for review with all author identifying information removed.” A Similarity Report must also be submitted

4) Author information: All author information (first, co-, corresponding) must be provided. If a paper has more than one author, the person submitting the manuscript will have to identify the corresponding author and add any other authors. 

5) Submission: The manuscript can be submitted after all the required information and files have been provided

Paragraph 4. Upon acceptance, the author(s) should indicate the name(s), affiliation(s), and position(s), and the corresponding author should provide a postal address and email address in the accepted manuscript.


Article 3. Specifications for Manuscript

Paragraph 1. The manuscript should be prepared using MS Word 2000 (or later).


Paragraph 2. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 15 pages. If the limit is exceeded, an extra page charge in addition to the publication charge will be paid by the author(s).


Paragraph 3. Manuscripts should use the A4-size paper setting. Headers and page numbers will be inserted by the editors.


Paragraph 4. The main text should be in Times New Roman font and the letter spacing should be 98%. The first and second subheadings should be in Arial font.


Paragraph 5. The title of the article should not exceed two lines. When the title exceeds one line, the line should be changed based on the paper sub-topic(s).


Paragraph 6. The abstract should be written within 200 words. The abstract and the manuscript written in English must be reviewed by native speakers of English.


Paragraph 7. The keywords are to be provided in English.


Paragraph 8. If the work was supported by a research grant, the author(s) should state this in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.


Paragraph 9. If the author(s) collaborated in writing a manuscript, the first author and co-author (or the corresponding author) should provide their names, affiliations, and positions in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.


Paragraph 10. There should be a line space before and after examples and citations except those numbered consecutively. The line spacing of the examples and citations should be the same as that of the main text.


Paragraph 11. The main text should be indented 10pt (0.35cm) at the beginning of each paragraph. However, the first paragraph after a title or section heading is not indented. Every succeeding paragraph should be indented.


Paragraph 12. In-text citations and references should conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).



Article 4. Specifications for In-text Citation and List of References

All submissions to Modern English Education should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). The following are some guidelines from the manual.

Paragraph 1. In-text Citation 

1) One Work by a Single Author


Use the author’s last name, the date of publication, and page numbers. Do not include initials or full names of the author’s first name. If the first authors of multiple references share the same last name but have different initials, include the first authors’ initials in all in-text citations, even if the year of publication differs. 


Taylor (2015) reported ...

(Taylor, 2015)

J. M. Taylor (2015) found ... T. Taylor (2014) studied ...

(J. M. Taylor, 2015; T. Taylor, 2014)

2) Direct quotations


A direct quotation of fewer than 40 words should be presented in double quotation marks (“ ”) which should be followed by citation information. It could include single quotation marks (‘ ’) for either recitation or emphasis.


She stated, “The ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared ... in this manner” (Miele, 1993, p. 276).

Miele (1993) found that “the ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared ... in this manner” (p. 276).


A direct quotation of more than 40 words should be presented in a new paragraph indented as much as one word on both sides of the text, which should be followed by page numbers within parentheses.


3) One Work by Two Authors


Between the names of two authors, either ‘and’ (in text) or ‘&’ (in parentheses) should be used. 


Lyster and Ranta (1997) defined that ...

According to some recent research (e.g., Lyster & Ranta, 1997), ...


4) One Work by More Than Three Authors


Shorten the reference from the first citation by including the last name of only the first author followed by “et al.” If you’re citing multiple works with the same groups of authors, and the shortened “et al.” citation form of each source would be the same, you’ll need to avoid ambiguity by spelling out all names.


5) Two or More Works Within the Same Parentheses


Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication, using the signs such as a, b, and c, and list two or more works by different authors in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Separate the citations by semicolons.

Several studies (Kim & Min, 1994; Lyster & Ranta, 1997; Ross et al., 1999) ...

According to Johnson (1998, 1999, 2005) ...

Some studies on listening strategy (Atay & Kurt, 2006; Johnson, 1991a, 1991b, 2007; Ross et al., 1999; William et al., 2011) ...


6) Secondary Sources


When citing a secondary source (content first reported in another source), identify the primary source and use “as cited in” the secondary source that you used. Cite the original source (author and date of publication) followed by a comma and “as cited in” and then the secondary source (author and date of publication). Only the secondary source appears in the reference list.


(Smith, 1990, as cited in William, 1998)

In Smith’s (1980, as cited in William, 1998) study ...


Paragraph 2. References

1) Journal Article


(1) All sources cited in the text must be included alphabetically in the reference list. Cite the last names of the authors, with the first name’s initials and the period following. For an article written by more than two authors, use ‘, &’ before the last author’s last name. (The Korean author’s name should not be abbreviated.)


(2) Only the first letter of the title and subtitle of the article should be capitalized, and the subtitle should come after a colon (:).


(3) Every first letter of each content word in the title of journals should be capitalized and the entire title should be italicized, followed by a comma, the volume, or the issue number. The volume number of the article is italicized, and the issue number is in regular font in parentheses. The issue number is only used for journals that start with a new page number for each issue.


Hong, Kil-Dong, Kim, Sung-Mi, & Lee, Hyun-Ji. (2007). Needs analysis of EFL college students. Modern English Education, 3(1), 318-340.

Smith, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36.


2) Book

The publishing company’s name for the book should be included. For an edited book, the author’s name(s) should be followed by ‘Ed.’ or ‘Eds.’ in parentheses. Information for the edition should be included after the title of the book.


Bailey, K. M., & Nunan, D. (Eds.). (1996). Voices from the language classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Mike, T., & Larson, J. R., Jr. (1987). An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). Sage.


3) Article or Chapter in an Edited Book


The title for an edited book should consist of (1) the name of the editor (if any) preceded by the word ‘In’ and (2) the book title with parenthetical information. Identify the editor by the abbreviation ‘Ed.’ in parentheses after the last name. Provide inclusive page numbers of the article or chapter in parentheses after the title.


Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger & F. I. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory and consciousness (pp. 309-330). Erlbaum.


4) Magazine or Newspaper Article


Provide the publication month for monthlies and the publication month and date for weeklies after the publication year in the parenthesis. After the title of the article, the name of the magazine or newspaper should be italicized. Provide the volume number and page numbers for newspaper articles with ‘p.’ or ‘pp.’


Henry, W. A. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, pp. 28-31.

Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.


5) Proceedings of Meetings and Symposia


(1) Proceedings published regularly: Provide the page numbers.


Cynx, J., Williams, H., & Nottlebohm, F. (1992). Hemispheric differences in avian song discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 89, 1372-1375.


(2) Unpublished paper presented at a meeting: Provide the month in the parenthesis and the city at the end.


Lanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the trauma symptom checklist for children(TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.


6) Doctoral Dissertation or Master’s Thesis


If it is not published, it should be treated like a book, the title is written in italics, and the name of the university is provided. If it is searchable in Database or Archive, provide the name of Database or Archive after the title and indicate the URL.


Wilfeley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal weight and obese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The University of Missouri.

Johnson, S. (2018). The acquisition of intercultural competence in online English classes [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Oxford University.

Solom on, M. (2017). Social media and self-evaluation: The examination of social media use on identity, social comparison, and self-esteem in young female adults [Doctoral dissertation, William James College]. Pro-Quest Dissertations and These Global.

Zambr ano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.


7) Article in Press


A paper that has been submitted to a journal and accepted for publication is considered in press. Do not give year, volume, or page numbers until the article is published. In text, use the following parenthetical citation: e.g., McIntosh, D. N. (in press).


McIntosh, D. N. (in press). The ADA and the hiring process. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research.


8) Report


Broadhurst. R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No.3). University of Western Australia, Crime Research Center.


9) Internet Resources


Internet resources follow the formats of journals, books, research reports, magazines, or newspaper articles, and indicate the internet site at the end. If they are not published, the title of the resources should be italicized. Do not use “Retrieved from” unless a retrieval date is necessary. The hyperlink should be deleted.


Saricoban, A. (1999). The teaching of listening. The Internet TESL Journal, 5(12).


10) Referencing Style Guide


The reference list should be in English and use a hanging indent format. All sources cited in the text must be presented alphabetically in the reference list. In the reference list, when the same author is listed for single- and co-authored works, single-authored works are to be listed before co-authored ones, even if the single-authored work’s publication date is later than the co-authored one. When references in Korean or a foreign language are not in English, provide Romanization and English translations.


Kim, Choong-Bae. (1994). Chulje gollandoui yecheukgwa silje [Prediction and reality of item-writing difficulty]. Goryeodaehakgyo Sadaemonjip [Journal of College of Education at Korea University], 19, 115-136.

Article 5. Other

Paragraph 1. When a Korean author’s name is Romanized, the first name is written before the last name (e.g., Kil-Dong Hong) in the title; the last name is followed by a comma, and the first name (e.g., Hong, Kil-Dong) in the abstract and the reference list.


Paragraph 2. When the article is accepted, the author(s) should provide name(s), affiliation(s), postal address(es), and e-mail address(es) in the *footnote on the first page of the manuscript.


Paragraph 3. The author(s) are responsible for manuscript revisions for publication.


Paragraph 4. Single-authored articles by the same author are allowed to be published up to twice per year, but not in the same quarter and not in consecutive quarter. Co- or corresponding authors are not allowed to publish more than once in the same quarter.


Paragraph 5. The author(s) must pay publication fees when notified.


Paragraph 6. If the author’s (or authors’) work received research funding, an additional publication fee must be paid.


Paragraph 7. The author(s) must maintain regular membership to have a manuscript published.


Paragraph 8. A certificate of publication will be issued only for an accepted and confirmed manuscript for publication, upon the request of the author(s).


Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on March 1, 2000.


Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on October 1, 2011.


Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on November 30, 2018.


Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on February 1, 2021.


Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on November 11, 2021.

Supplementary Rules

1. The amendment to the provisions for manuscript submission will take effect on January 1, 2023.
