2013 MEESO International Conference
작성자 관리자
Call for Papers

2013 MEESO International Conference
July 13, 2013
Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea

Conference Theme:
Localizing and Globalizing English Education: Its Challenges and Opportunities

The Modern English Education Society (MEESO) invites English language teaching (ELT) professionals to submit proposals for the 2013 international conference. Proposals which focus on the conference them will receive first consideration. However, all submissions in the following areas will be gratefully considered:

● Second Language Acquisition
● Language Teaching Methodologies
● Teaching English to Young Learners
● Teacher Education
● Reading and Writing Instruction
● Materials & Curriculum Development
● Language Testing
● Technology in Language Teaching
● Voices from Elementary / SecondarySchools
● Other areas in ELT

(1) Concurrent Sessions
The MEESO calls for proposals for 30-minute individual presentations (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion) in all the areas of ELT. We request that the title and abstract (no more than 250 words) of the presentation be submitted by March 31, 2013. Please include your name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address in the proposal (You may down load the form at the MEESO website at Notification of acceptance will be announced by April 30, 2013.

For submissions and further information, please contact the program chair, Prof. Miyang Cha (

(2) PosterSession
The MEESO also seeks proposals for poster presentations. We encourage the participation of graduate students in this session. Please submit the title of poster presentation with your name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address by March 31, 2013. (You may download the form at the MEESO website at Notification of acceptance will be announced by April 30, 2013.

For submissions and further information, please contact the poster session chair, Prof. Eun-HeeLee (