2022 Conference
2022 Call for Presentations: Coping with the Paradigm Shift for English Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era
작성자 관리자

The Modern English Education Society (MEESO) invites you to submit a presentation proposal for our 2022 Annual Conference, Coping with the Paradigm Shift for English Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era. Our hybrid conference combining offline and online presentations is scheduled as follows:

Date: July 22, 2022 (Fri) 

Venue: University of Seoul & Zoom meeting 

Theme: Coping with the Paradigm Shift for English Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Keynote speakers:

Prof. Paul Kei Matsuda (Arizona State University) 


"Shifting the Paradigm Ourselves: Re-Imagining the Language Teaching Profession for the Post-COVID Era"

Prof. Curt J. Bonk (Indiana University) 


Manufacturing Motivation in Online Language Teaching and Learning with Variety; TEC-VARIETY"

Plenary speaker:

Prof. Sunho Hong (Seoul National University of Education) 

Workshop speaker:

Prof. Jieun Kim (Catholic Kwandong University): Metaverse (Gathertown) in ELT classes

Presentation type: oral/poster/student paper/teaching demonstration/workshop 

Participation type: online/offline

  • Deadline for proposal submission Extended: April 30, 2022 
  • Deadline for abstract submission: June 15, 2022 
  • Early-bird pre-registration opens: (to be announced) 
  • Early-bird pre-registration closes: (to be announced) 
  • Regular pre-registration opens: (to be announced)
  • Regular pre-registration closes: (to be announced)

Presentation Proposal Submission Link

For your inquiry, please contact us at: meeso2022conference@naver.com
